We Are Open and Can Support You
250-492-6299 | admin@soics.ca

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"Providing Immigrant Services for Over 40 Years"

Improve your English skills in our language classes for adult immigrants.

Get help with settling and integrating into your community.

Plan your career and get job search help to prepare you for working in Canada.

Connect with a mentor to develop communication skills for social and workplace culture.

Recognize and address racism in your community with support from SOICS.

You've likely seen our powerful 'Anti-Racism Reminder' billboard.

We invite you to explore our anti-racism initiatives, and to join us in building a more inclusive South Okanagan where everyone is treated with dignity and respect.

Welcome Guide

Are you a newcomer to the South Okanagan-Similkameen?
Check out our Welcome Guide to help navigate local systems and access programs available to you:

Click Here to View

Featured Programs

Project Vandal is an online reporting system to help identify vandalism and property damage in the South Okanagan.

Celebrating and exchanging knowledge about culturally diverse traditions, cuisine and performances making up the South Okanagan.

Hosting annual Canadian Citizenship ceremonies for new citizens living in the South Okanagan-Similkameen.

Working together to promote more inclusive communities by redressing racism and hate through education and awareness.

Expose Racism and Unbox Anti-Racism.

Working to increase the pace of social and economic integration for newcomers in the South Okanagan.

Land Acknowledgement

South Okanagan Immigrant & Community Services (SOICS) acknowledges that the South Okanagan-Similkameen is the traditional, ancestral and stolen territory of the syilx people of the Okanagan Nation. We are grateful to the syilx people who have always cared for these lands, water, and air and continue to do so today.

This land acknowledgement is just a first step on our journey of learning the truth and working towards reconciliation.

The South Okanagan is a diverse community with over 110 countries and territories represented.

Explore our Community Champion stories to learn about the obstacles newcomers have overcame to find success in the South Okanagan-Similkameen.